Detras de esta sesion hay una historia muy buena

>> 23 May 2008

Esta historia con la Sra. D. es muy divertida, debido a que el dia que estabamos haciendo su sesion fotografica, salimos a un sitio cerca del centro comercial y alli nos estacionamos para sacar algunas fotos en esa locacion, estabamos 3 chicas, mas mi hijo (que se habia dormido camino a la locacion), cuando nos bajamos de la camioneta, todas las puertas estaban cerradas menos la mia (la del lado del piloto) en una de esas me tropece y con la brisa que habia se cerro la puerta, pero todos los seguros estaba pasados...ugrrrrrrr..... se nos quedo el bebe encerrado en el carro, este encendido (menos mal asi el bebe no paso calor) y todos nuestros celulares adentro del carro en nuestras carteras, lo unico que teniamos era la camara que ya la tenia guindada en el cuello (por fortuna)....
Mientras esperabamos que alguien pasara (ademas era una zona medio desolada) nos pusimos a tomar las fotos, que mas podiamos hacer, disfrutar el momento.
Pasaron unos obreros quienes nos prestaron su ayuda y ademas un celular para llamar a mi esposo que saliera de su trabajo fuera a la casa buscara una copia de la llave y nos viniera a abrir la camioneta, en eso pasaron como 2.5 horas que menos mal pudimos tomar las fotos, y al final todo salio bien.

Y aqui algunas de las fotos que capturamos ese dia!
English Version

This is a very funny story about Mrs. D., because we were making her a session for pregnant and we choose to go to a location near to a mall and we got there, parked the car, my baby was in the car (but he was sleeping already), we all three girls left trhe car, and the girls closes their door, but mine driving size was still open and I split and hit the door the wind help to close the door, and all the lockes were down (electrical ones), fortunally the AC was on and my camera was on my neck already, because everything else was inside the car, like our cel phones. purses, lenses, clothing, etc.
while we were there i told them that I will start to shot because there's nothing else to do, we have to wait that someone pass walking over there, and around 5pm some worker were coming they stop tp help us and we borrow thier cell phones and could call my husband to tell him to get out from work, go home, pic the extra key, bring it here to open ASAP, all this take about 2.5 hours, but at least we could take the pictures and have fun..............

Here are some of those pics.

2 comentarios:

Anonymous May 24, 2008 at 11:14 PM  

I see you've been busy, Jeannette. These are beautiful. She's a gorgeous woman. Soon it will be your turn.

Mary Elizabeth May 27, 2008 at 6:46 PM  

It´s a good thing you´re not stressful, love the pics very nice and calm!
Love your energy shooting pics!