Cada dia que pasa, es una bendicion de Dios poder tener a mis hijos con nosotros, son lo mas bello que me ha pasado en mi vida, uno pasa de la etapa de bebe a chico y el otro esta en la etapa de bebe :)
Para el pequeño el mayor es su idolo, lo que haga o diga es causal de risa, seguimiento, etc.
y por otro lado el grande es un super protector con el bebe, no le gusta que lo toquen personas extrañas, o que le digan sobrenombres o que llore jajajajaja, etc muchas cosas pero ambos se demuestran un amor demasiado bello
Hijo te felicito por estos 6 meses que me has dado de alegria y a Javier Alejandro por estar desde hace casi 4 años llenando mi vida de cosas nuevas, risas, rabias, incertidumbres, alegrias y sobretodo mucho mucho amor
Los amo muchisimo a los 2
Every day, is a blessing that we can enjoy our kids, they are the most beautiful that has happened in my life, one of them is being from toddler to "big kid" as he says and the other one is just being a baby
For the little one the biggest is his idol, wahtever he does he just laugh, follows and pay attention to him :) and by the othe hand the big brother is taking care of little bro, watching that no one touches him, or people call him names, or baby crying, whatever, too many things but both are in love which each one
Baby we are so happy for this 6 month that you have shared with us and Javier Alejandro to be with us since almost 4 year, filling our lives with new things every day, angry, laughs, joy, and much mjuch love
I love you both alot, too much