{Cafe con Leche acompañado de un Golfeado} | Mejor Imposible
>> 27 May 2009
Ayer en la tarde pasaron unas amiguitas por aqui y trajeron estos golfeados para que yo les hiciera el cafe con leche y disfrutaramos un rato mientras comiamos esta delicia y conversabamos, que les parece?
apetitosa la tarde verdad?
La combinacion, demasiado buena, todo estaba exquisito :)
Espero lo disfruten como lo hicimos nosotras
Yesterday afternoon, some girl friedns stop by my house and in their hands, they had some Golfeados, the came with the excuse that I had to make some good Cafe con Leche to chat and enjoy while we eat this ndelicious dessert, what do you think?
this afternoon was yummy, isn't it?
Perfect Match, everything was delicious :)
I hope you enjoy this as much as we did