Como se imaginaran no podia desaprovechar esta oportunidad, Javier Alejandro pidiendome que le tomara unas fotos, que fueramos al parque cerca de la casa que el queria unas fotos y jugar con Dinoco y Hudson Hornet, si asi mismo, que tal!
Bueno agarre mi camioneta, mi camara, mi muchacho y nos fuimos, pasamos un rato agradable, jugo y se divirtio posando y haciendo caritas.
Vean algunas de estas fotos aqui.
As you can imagine this is one time offer that I can not decline, because he never ask me to take him pictures, so I have to go out and do it. Javier Alejandro asked me to go to the park and take him some pics while he plays with Dinoco and Hudson Hornet, I said, Rigth away! I grabed my camera, my truck, my boy and we went out to shoot some pics.... and have some fun, he was choosing poses and making funny faces.
check some of the pics here.